To help us print your work correctly we will need you to supply your artwork correctly, so we can move things along swiftly with the minimum of fuss (we can help you get this right)
Colour Mode
Set up your document as CMYK for printing, which stands for Cyan, Magenta Yellow & Black. proportions of these 4 colors create a wide range of colors. When saving to PDF, ensure it's also set up as CMYK.
High Resolution
Pixels make up images and the resolution of an image is determined by the number of pixels or dots per inch. An image has components: size (width and height) and resolution. To avoid blurry images, it is important to save all images in high resolution (300dpi) and scan them at the same resolution. When saving a document as a PDF, it should be saved as a "High quality print setting, which may depending on the program used
Bleed & Crop / Trim Marks
Bleed the image over the page edge by 3mm on all sides to avoid white edges. This is because the extended area is cut through when trimming the pages to size. Crop marks can be manually drawn or automatically applied.